Maximising Profit from Empty Space
At Variation we are continually working to find ways of making our clients’ lives easier and cheaper. That’s why we we spend our time looking for ways to maximise profit from warehouses and offices through innovative programmes to use empty space and provide new asset management services.
Our ‘Lease In Lieu’ programme is designed to help companies benefit from our extensive experience of balancing profit enhancement with improving the quality of the time employees spend at work.
When it comes to staff well-being we have a solution that helps reduce sick days, based on detailed analysis of air quality in the work place followed by a programme of air purification.
We also design and operate physical operations, set up and manage new business start-ups, find and manage overspill warehousing and carry out business improvement programmes.
Our warehouse brokerage brings together “dead” space in warehouses and offices with retailers and suppliers needing storage or working areas quickly, flexibly or temporarily.
We work with a very select network of experienced operations specialists and services consultants. We can very quickly set up a new business or operation to manage the service you need to support your own business activities.
Lease In Lieu:
Lease in Lieu is a new business concept from Variation Holdings which allows companies to improve the working environment of their staff and to offer services in lieu of the effort and loyalty of the people who work for them.
Rewarding employees is not just about money- the intangible things count. Nice art work, some break-time activities, equipment which can be used for personal reasons; there are so many ways to show you care about the lives as well as the pockets of your staff.
At Lease in Lieu we purchase items which we believe would be attractive as workplace enhancements or recreational supports. We display these products in a suitable venue and invite business leaders in the locality to visit and select those they would like to lease for the benefit of their staff. Some examples are:-
Artwork:- canvas prints of iconic images of the 20th and 21st centuries as well as soothing pastoral scenes and different perspectives on familiar objects. We also support up and coming artists working in different media. Paintings acne be changed st agreed intervals.
Golfing equipment:- top quality indoor putting greens and indoor driving nets for staff who fancy a break from their desk or want to hone their skills before the weekend. We have many different green options and change them as required.
Outdoor canopies:- members of staff will be organising family gatherings for birthdays and weddings at which our canopies provide cover from the elements. We lease them, you loan them. What better way to say thank you?
Tents:- festival season, weekend away, Le Mans even! Provide your staff with equipment leased from us.
And so much more….
Variation Limited, logistics consultants specialising in warehouse brokerage and matching short term occupancy needs with available space.