Established over 20 years ago, Gloucester Chiropractic Clinic offers Specialist Spinal Manipulation, Physiotherapy and Therapeutic/Sports Massage.
Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractors are Spinal Manipulative Specialists. The official definition of Chiropractic is a primary health-care profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine.
Masseur massaging female customer’s back
The word Chiropractic means ‘done by hand’. Chiropractors work on all the joints of the body, concentrating particularly on the spine, using their hands to perform skilled, precise manipulation.
Charles Cutts and Geoff Long are both fully qualified diversified Chiropractors and thus provide the full range of Chiropractic manipulative therapy. They are both State Registered and members of the British Chiropractic Association which means they are dedicated to the provision of evidence based practise. They are also members of the Royal College of Chiropractic which is the academic professional association and are thus committed to the academic, research and educational development of the profession.
Chiropractic is one of the few complimentary therapies for which good scientific research exists to support the effectiveness of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation to resolve specific back problems.
A visit to the Chiropractor involves a full consultation and examination which will include details of all past medical history, occupational habits, lifestyle and exercise habit. The Chiropractor will undertake a full physical examination of the affected area and any other relevant regions of the body.
Gloucester Chiropractic Clinic – X-ray facilityIf X-ray is needed to confirm diagnosis this can be done on site. If special investigations or any other examination is required this will be arranged. The clinic enjoys a good reputation and working relationship with local GPs and specialists. MRI scanning can be arranged via the clinic at local providers.
If the problem is straightforward, which it is in most cases, the Chiropractor will explain what is wrong and propose a treatment plan. If the patient is happy with this and keen to go ahead treatment may be possible at that first visit. Usually treatment consists of a short course of intensive visits for manipulation to achieve a cumulative effect and to stabilise the problem. If this is successful the chiropractor will review the case with the patient and advise if further management or exercises are required.
Often a few further visits are sensible to reinforce the benefit achieved and ensure problems do not return. Exercise to maintain the improvements will be prescribed and will be suitable for each individual!
All Practitioners use conventional full consultation and examination. An explanation of findings, diagnosis and clear treatment plan is always offered.
The Clinic has its own fully independent X-ray suite offering accurate diagnosis at competitive rates for appropriate problems.
The Gloucester Chiropractic Clinic is equipped with dedicated Hi-Lo chiropractic treatment couches. The Physiotherapy suite has a full range of electrotherapy equipment including Ultrasound and Interferential.
Back pain
Neck pain
Arm pain
Numbness/ ‘pins and needles’
Sports injuries
Leg pain
Trapped nerves
Shoulder/ elbow/ wrist injuries
Hip/ knee/ ankle injuries