Leyton Foot Clinic is an established provider of foot care in the community. The aim of this practice is to alleviate foot pain, improve foot function and try to prevent future suffering and deformity where possible.
We are Chiropodists & Podiatrists, Members of the Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists (MChS) and Registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC). We were formerly known as State Registered Chiropodists & Podiatrists (SRCh).
Everybody calling themselves a Chiropodist or Podiatrist has undergone a rigorous 3 or 4 year full time degree course at a recognised School of Podiatry, and is Registered with the HPC. Only then are they allowed to use the terminology of “Chiropodist” and/or “Podiatrist”.
Podiatry in its modern sense involves total care of the feet and lower limbs and through them the whole body. The old fashioned idea that “Chiropody” was merely cutting elderly people’s toenails is long since gone. The modern Chiropodists & Podiatrists are trained in all aspects of care for the feet and lower limbs, including the most common foot problems associated with every age group.
Essentially, our policy is to give you an open assessment followed by the most suitable treatment for your condition. We have invested over the years in the latest technology to extend our evaluation and treatments across a wide range of foot and limb related issues.
At Leyton Foot Clinic our latest Foot Laser Scanner equipment is able to scan the sole of each foot quickly and effectively. This then provides a set of data, from which a pair of medically prescribed orthotics are milled using a computerised milling machine. These “tailor made, error free”, orthotics are manufactured within 10 days and come with a lifetime guarantee against splitting or cracking and a 30 day money back guarantee. Please contact the surgery for an appointment or for more information on this service click here.
Leyton Foot Clinic has a track record of handling some of the most sever cases of injury and can assist with any form of sport related problems, to your feet and lower limbs. We are always happy to discuss the option available to you in our consultation and have the expertise and equipment to help improve your condition and ease the aches and pains associated with foot aliments.
Mr. S. S. Munday BSc,, DPodM, CPS (Sports Pod.) MChS qualified at the London Foot Hospital in 1990 and worked in Central London and for Haringey Health Authority before starting his own privately run Chiropody/Podiatry practice called the Leyton Foot Clinic.
Leyton Foot Clinic also has a qualified beautician on site, for all your beauty needs.
Leyton Foot Clinic – Your feet come first!