We are a small family company and are NOT associated with, nor part of, any other grouping or franchise.
Our company as been operating for over 40 years and about 17 years ago decided to specialise only in the airconditioning of vehicles. When we decided to specialise we checked that the name ‘Aircon Direct’ was a name not being used by any other company, however in the past few years we have noticed a number of similar or identical names have now appeared (one of which is a franchise).
We are not associated at all with any of those names or with any other company.
We are the original Aircon Direct.
I suppose that we should be flattered that our expertise has spawned so many “copy cats”
We are a founder member of MACP-Europe which is a pan European association devoted to this specialisation of Mobile Air Conditioning. It promotes better standards of technical training and expertise for AC technicians and by liasing with professional institutes, car and AC equipment manufacturers and governments is trying to harmonise regulations for mobile AC within the EU. A comprehensive certification scheme is to be launched of standards which exceed the minimum national requirements. The website for MACP is here.
As from July 2010 the regulations for the AC technician’s qualification have changed drastically. In the UK it is now illegal for anyone to work on the AC system of a car, to remove or replace refrigerant of any car or small van without a qualification recognised by DEFRA (the Department of the Environment). This new requirement is Europe wide and supercedes the previous, slightly less onerous qualification. Our three technicians have this DEFRA approved qualification of course. (This is an ATA qualification from the Institute of the Motor Industry).